ODINE Data Value Chains DB
Open Data available about the ODINE Data Value Chains. The dataset (available as CSV files and SQLite database) contains information... View Article
Open Data available about the ODINE Data Value Chains. The dataset (available as CSV files and SQLite database) contains information... View Article
Case study on the influence of iBeacons on customer experience during the 2015 SAIL Amsterdam event and data generated by IoT... View Article
The three things every open data start up needs for their business model
Click here to see the slides of the course delivered in November 2015 for ODINE startups
A CKAN instance that publishes or harvests open data resources from the Smart Cities that are experimenting with FIWARE technologies
Pan European data portal, providing access to open, freely reusable datasets from local, regional and national public bodies across Europe
The European Union Open Data Portal is the single point of access to a growing range of data from the... View Article
Extensive list of high-quality heterogeneous datasets in public domains that can be used by developers
13 short modules designed for anyone to discover more about open data
Stories that demonstrate the social, economic and environmental benefits of open data
This handbook discusses the legal, social and technical aspects of open data
Open data platforms, catalogues and reports
Turn data into Linked Data, transform open data sets, perform advanced queries and extract meaningful visualisations and analyses results
Collection of useful resources about open data