We would like to thank the following experts for their excellent work as external evaluators:
- Alexander Johan Slaghuis, Open State Foundation (openstate.eu);
- Andreas Schwarzenbrunner, Speedinvest;
- Cédric Latessa, CEL Conseil;
- Cedric Mateosyan Kutlu, FOOLS FUND Founding Partner;
- Cornelia Flavia Veja, The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF);
- Daniel Appelquist, Samsung Internet Dev., W3C TAG;
- Emma Mulqueeny, Rewired State;
- Freddy Lecue, Accenture Labs Ireland & INRIA France;
- Gerald Baeck, Coinomentum GmbH;
- Guglielmo Celata, Openpolis;
- Hubert Gertis, Zee TV Europe;
- Hugo Pinto, Accenture UK;
- Ivonne Jansen-Dings, Smart Citizens Lab, Waag Society;
- Jeffrey (Scott) Sage, Crane Venture Partners;
- Johannes Ditterich, n/a;
- Julian Tait, The Things Network;
- Knud Möller, datalysator.com;
- Laura Sophie Dornheim, eyeo GmbH;
- Maarten Kaaij, DigiMonks;
- Miguel García González, Zabala Innovation Consulting S.A.;
- Natalia Diaz Rodriguez, ENSTA ParisTech;
- Paul Groth, Elsevier Labs;
- Peter Bihr, The Waving Cat GmbH;
- Ulrich Atz, New York University;
- Valentin Zacharias, Daimler TSS GmbH.