Open data and the economic potential for startups and corporations – 23.03.17 Panel @ CEBIT

Offene Daten und deren wirtschaftliches Potential für Start-ups und Unternehmen


We are pleased to announce the following programme with our Partner KAS at the CEBIT:

Hannover Messe, Start-Up-Halle SCALE11


23.03.2017 15:00 –  17:30 Panel and programme:

15:00 – 16:00 Presentations

15:00 Dr. Pencho Kuzev of KAS, Introduction

15:15 David Beardmore of Open Data Institute on commercial aspects

15:20 Dr. Elena Simperl of Southhampton University on ODINE Open Data Incubator for Europe

15:30 Sebastian Sooth of Mindbox part of Deutsche Bahn on Open Data, corporation & startups

15:40 Thomas Eichstädt-Engelen of Green City Solutions on their open data journey as a startup

15:50 Walter Palmetshofer of Open Knowledge Foundation Germany on open data startup culture, policy in Germany and Europe


16:00 – 17:30 Panel & QA

We are looking forward to meet you.

Tickets are available.
