Discover techno-financial software tool Exceedence- FINANCE

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ExceedenceFINANCE is a complete Techno-Financial software tool for Wind, Wave, Tidal & Offshore Wind projects and Technologies.


It allows to quickly create, analyse optimise and compare LCOE, IRR, ROI, NPV, Cash flows and more. Get a Helicopter view of a project right across the supply chain starting with the renewable resource and assess whether they will make or lose money.


Their software allows everyone in the supply chain on the project – developers, service providers and suppliers, engineers, funders and utilities – to work off the same page, and it offers a transparent, integrated view of the plan.

Current approaches for financial modelling in renewables projects tend to be costly, and they do not effectively accommodate the ‘big picture’ of the plan. Planning a renewables project – perhaps a new wind farm or wave-energy initiative – often involves hiring someone to carry out financial modelling, or consulting a large management company at a considerable cost.

In ODINE they will turn their desktop software into a SAAS and more specifically a LITE version that will focus on the various set of Open Met Ocean Data Sets.  They intend make this LITE version and its data sets readily available to be used by developers, prospectors, governments, utilities and investors.

Their tool Exceedence FINANCE uses international standards, allows projects to be more thoroughly analysed: it means risks can be more effectively identified and addressed and it means projects can be optimised at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.
Exceedence is a spin out from University College Cork’s MaREI Centre and is the result of 3 years funded R&D starting with work from Dr Gordon Dalton in 2008.


Capex breakdown
